
Friday, March 13, 2015

Donor Intros: Day Six!

And the awesome donors just keep on coming! We are almost halfway through this extensive list. Of course, the halfway point keeps getting further and further away as my inbox is gifted with more people wanting to contribute to Writers For hope. This means two things:

1. This year's auction is going to INSANELY WONDERFUL.

2. Bookish types are made of magic.

You know, like these folks...

Lauren Grimley

Lauren Grimley lives in central Massachusetts where she grew up, but her heart is on the beaches of Cape Cod where she spends as much of her time as possible. After graduating from Boston University she became a middle school English teacher. She now balances writing, reading, and correcting, all with a cat on her lap and a glass of red wine close by.

Lauren's first two novels in her adult fantasy/paranormal romance series, Unforeseen and Unveiled, were published by an indie publisher. She has since self-published the final book, Unbound, as well as Unbridled, a collection of short stories from the series.

To learn more about her or her writing or to connect with her online visit her website at or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Donation: 30 Minute Call Discussing Independent and Self-Publishing

K.T. Hanna

K.T. writes and reads all types of speculative fiction, loves nail-biting thrillers, and curling up with a good paranormal novel. In 2012 she participated in the inaugural #PitchMadness, and has been slush diving with glee for every #PitchMadness since. This love of finding hidden slush gems as well as a turn as a #PitchWars mentor led her to seek to refine her skills further. She’s been a New York City Agency intern since mid 2014, ecstatically devouring manuscripts and filling in reader reports.

Originally from Australia, where she studied law, business, and psychology, K.T. now lives in Kansas with her husband, daughter, corgi and cat. She’s lived on three continents and is bilingual in German. After seven years as a Human Resources Manager, she’s turned her critical eye and organizational skills to Chimera.

Note: She is still searching for her Tardis.

Learn more about K.T. on her website and follow her on Twitter!

Donation #1: Query AND First 1250 Words Critique

Donation #2: Query AND First 1250 Words Critique

Ava Jae

Ava Jae is a YA and NA writer, an Assistant Editor at Entangled Publishing, and is represented by Louise Fury of The Bent Agency. Her YA Sci-Fi debut, BEYOND THE RED, is releasing Spring 2016 from Sky Pony Press. When she’s not writing about kissing, superpowers, explosions, and aliens, you can find her with her nose buried in a book, nerding out over the latest X-Men news, or hanging out on her blog, Twitter, Facebook, tumblr, Goodreads, Instagram, or YouTube channel.

Donation: Query AND First Five Pages Critique

That's all for this week, folks! Go back to your writing and reading and check back in next Wednesday for more donor and auction item reveals!

Want more information on the fundraiser? Visit my RAINNmaker page!
T-shirts for both writers and book lovers supporting this campaign are now available on Tfund!

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