
Thursday, April 3, 2014

You've left me no choice...

Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to be cynical and world-weary? To soak in the pool of curmudgeonisity until your skin is as wrinkled as your pruney little heart? 

'Cause I do. 

And you know what really pisses me off? You people make it impossible. 

Every time I turn around, one of you is there being all illustrative of optimism and positivity and hope. It's enough to make anyone's heart grow Grinch-style. And since, despite my best efforts, my heart is a decent size to begin with, this three times expansion rate pretty much makes it explode. And not like a cool, gory movie scene explosion, but one of love that pretty much leaves everyone around me covered in a splatter pattern of glitter and happiness. 

It's a mess. 

But you know what they say, something about sour fruits and beverages that don't make sense to drink while it's still this freaking cold. 

What I'm trying to say is: Fine. I give in to your smiling faces. I surrender to your infectious laughter. 

I decided just yesterday that I wanted to do another fundraising event, this time virtually. I sent out a few emails, to test the waters. No sooner had I hit send than my brain started reminding me that these things can be hard to pull off. And that people are busy. And that maybe it's too last minute. And - well, look at all those positive responses rolling into my inbox. Wait a second, not only are people offering their time, but they're thanking me for the opportunity to do so??

You know, it makes it really challenging to fill out the "con" half of my list, when you people insist on being so awesome. So now my paper looks all lopsided. And that's on your heads. 

To get to the point of this morning's mental meanderings, on Wednesday, April 23rd I will be hosting a truly fantastic event here on the blog. Some wonderful editors and agented/published authors are donating their time for a great auction. Current prizes include signed books, query critiques, first five pages critiques, first chapter critiques and a full manuscript critique - with some more in the works!

All proceeds of the auction will go to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 

I will be posting updates and rules and whatnot over the next few weeks. Please tell all your writer-type friends about the event. And if you don't happen to be a writer-type yourself, but know one who has a birthday coming up, or who you just like a real lot, feel free to bid. All the prizes would make great gifts. 

Will your help, this event will be amazing. And considering you've already proven yourselves to be completely incapable of anything less than scrumtrulescence, success really appears to be the only option. 

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