
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Donor Introductions: Day Eight!

The auction is officially ONE WEEK from today! High fives of excitement all around!!

*Air fives the computer and hopes fervently that you're all doing the same.*

Marieke Nijkamp is a dreamer, avid tweeter, and proud-to-be geek with degrees in philosophy, history, and medieval studies. In the midnight hours of the day she is a storyteller, represented by Jennifer Udden at the Donald Maass Literary Agency. Marieke is one of the founding YA Misfits and founder of DiversifYA. She's been a slush reader for several years and currently edits by referral only.

DONATED PRIZE: Query and Three Chapter Critique

Gail hugs trees, does camel spins, & writes contracts - all at the same time! MG debut BREAKING THE ICE (Aladdin/Simon & Schuster, Spring 2015). PLEASE RSVP, Books One & Two, with Jen Malone (Aladdin/Simon & Schuster, Summer & Fall 2015). Contributor at and member of SCBWI member. Represented by Julia A. Weber of J.A. Weber Literaturagentur.

DONATED PRIZE: First Ten Pages Critique

Veronica writes children's books, from picture books to YA novels. Her debut novel, TWELVE STEPS (a YA contemporary romance) was released in March 2014.

She believes that creativity is the cornerstone of life, and she's am known among my children's friends as "the one with all the stories to tell." She's also known for her off-the-wall Halloween costumes, original cookie recipes and Crock Pot Gourmet creations. And she knits purses and other accessories out of recycled plastic grocery bags and old video tapes. 

She's represented by Jessica Sinsheimer (Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, LLC), and is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Sub It Club, the Y Knot Knitters, and I'm a Mormon.

DONATED PRIZE: Query/First Chapter Critique OR Full Picture Book Critique

Okay, one more high five for good measure. Come on.......don't leave me hanging. 

My computer just started sparking. I'm going to assume it was from the power of all the high fives you just sent. And not a maintenance issue. 


  1. What a great lineup. I'll tweet this out for you. :)

  2. Just to clarify: If you choose the picture book option for my part of the auction, you still get the query critique too. So it's your choice of either query + first chapter or query + picture book. :)
