
Friday, April 18, 2014

Donor Introductions: Day Ten!

The final day of the donor countdown is upon us and it's ending with a bang - FIVE DONORS!


Jessica has been reading and campaigning for her favorite queries since 2004. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she went east for Sarah Lawrence College and stayed for the opportunity to read soon-to-be books for a living. Now an Associate Agent at the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, she’s developed a reputation for fighting office members to see incoming manuscripts first—and for drinking far too much tea.

Always on the lookout for new writers, she is most excited about finding literary, women’s, Young Adult and New Adult fiction, and—on the nonfiction side—psychology, parenting, self-help, cookbooks, memoirs, and works that speak to life in the twenty-first century.

DONATED PRIZE: Query Critique


Jami Nord is frequently accused of having a TARDIS, because she gets so much done. Between a day job as a phone monkey, her internship with Bree Ogden, and the rest of life, she's really just an expert at time management, hyper organized, and a very fast reader. She grew up reading mountains of scifi and fantasy, cut her professional chops on romance novels, and has a weak spot for GLBT*, disabled, and racially/ethnically diverse characters told with enrapturing style, where their identities are part of who they are, not just a plot thread. Someday, she'll become an agent, or an editor, and help make dreams come true. In the meantime, she'll settle for trying to make the industry just a bit more transparent, or at least her tiny corner of it. She tweets at @JamiNord and blogs at She lives in Philadelphia, having finally escaped the clutches of south Texas, though she still favors margaritas and good queso.

DONATED PRIZE #1: Query Critique
DONATED PRIZE #2: Query Critique

Marissa writes middle-grade fantasy and is represented by Laura Langlie. As a girl, Marissa was forever getting notes sent home from teachers about reading novels during class, and she still would rather read a good story than do just about anything else. Marissa lives in the Seattle area with her husband, three sons, and heaps of good books. She is the author of STORYBOUNDSTORY'S END, and the forthcoming A SLIVER OF STARDUST. You can find her online at



Brooks is a MG Writer, filmmaker, teacher, husband, SCBWI member, and father to a 75 pound mutt. He's a regular contributor to Middle Grade Minded and a member of the MgBetaReaders critique group. Brooks is represented by Uwe Stender of TriadaUS Literary.

DONATED PRIZE: Query and First Chapter Critique


Christina has worked in publishing for over fifteen years, toiling away as both an in-house editor (Chronicle Books, Seal Press, Night + Day city guides) and a freelance writer before joining Girl Friday Productions, a boutique editorial and writing firm, where she now specializes in editing fiction of all kinds. She loves all aspects of the book business--writing, editing, research, reading, and, of course, other people who share her passion for words. She loves indulging in dim sum in San Francisco, dress-shopping in Brooklyn, late-night book-browsing at Powells in Portland, and doing just about anything in Paris.

DONATED PRIZE: Full Manuscript Critique

So, there they are. All THIRTY TWO of our truly outstanding donors. Use the weekend to make sure you've gotten to know them all and come back on Monday for the auction rules!

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