Thursday, December 4, 2014

Almost Time!

Greetings all and a belated very happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrated last week!

Sorry for the brief radio silence. Between the start of the holiday season and preparing for the auction, every day is something akin to me waking up and running through the hallways, arms waving, rambling incoherent bursts of anxiety and excitement. You know, just being the usual calm, cool and collected. 

I had a lot of things to be thankful for this year, but without a doubt my biggest debt of gratitude goes to all those who have supported this month's event - both in person and from a distance. 

Though it is certainly not the first time I've experienced this, it never fails to overwhelm (in a good way) to see so many people going out of their way to offer support, no matter what is going on in their own lives. Knowing so many people who are willing to put others first makes it pretty much impossible to lose hope in this world. 

The dinner auction is this Saturday! *cue arm waving and ramblings* I am so extremely excited for this night. For one, I need to get the auction baskets out of the house. I'm pretty sure the house is beginning to sink into the ground under the weight of everyone's endless generosity. Far more importantly, is that I get to be in the same room as a good percentage of the most wonderful people I've ever had the privilege to know.  

In addition to being able to give our donation to RAINN next week, supporting sexual assault survivors over the holiday and into 2015, the end of the auction will also mark the beginning of having regular writing time once again. So many things to look forward to!

Also, more reading time! I'll definitely be hitting up Jeff Guinn's The Autobiography of Santa Claus again, but I'd love some more holiday reading suggestions. Leave them in the comments!

If you're interested in donating to RAINN through the RAINN Down Hope Event, you can do so at my RAINNmakers page

Also, vote here for RAINN to be Mission Cute's January Nonprofit Partner! If RAINN gets the most votes, then 50% of Mission Cute's January proceeds will go straight to the organization.

Look for an recap of the fundraiser next week!

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