Thursday, January 3, 2013

Feeling All Sorts of Resolute

Hey everyone!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

I don’t know about you, but I read a lot of books last year. And the beauty of stories is that pieces of them stay with you, even after you’ve retired them to the shelf (or turned off your eReaders). I’ve decided to embrace those pieces with my resolutions this year.

Here are the characters that first pop to mind from my 2012 reading list and what resolutions they have inspired in me:

  • Bailey Clarke – I resolve to find magic in the world and follow it even if that means giving up the familiar.
  • Maggie Lee – I resolve to make the best of bad situations.
  • Melanie – I resolve to stand with my friends during hard times (and possibly learn to play the violin, though that seems less likely).
  • Ginny Selvaggio – I resolve to reject any single definition of “normal” as being correct.   
  • Janelle Tenner – I resolve to be there for my family, whether through rough days or trips to Disney (and to continue rewatching X-Files).
  • Cotton Malone – I resolve to get myself a nickname of which no one will ever know the origins.
  • October Daye – I resolve to accept all sides of myself, even when they annoy the crap out of me.

So, in conclusion, in 2013, I resolve to be more like the characters I loved in 2012 and to seek out new folks to emulate in 2014.

What about you? Any new promises to yourself?


  1. What a grand idea!! I like the way you did your resolutions.

    Mine? To write, and publish, more. *Smirk*

    1. Thanks! I like yours as well. =) A long standing goal we share.
